Friday, August 19, 2016

Ahhh the final part of the book progression, the review

Well this last process I had kind of shunned.
Reviews good or bad I was not going to take them to heart.
In my mind the book had to be written.
I didn't say it had to be read, although I was hoping it would be.
So, guess what I got my first official review.
The review was from someone I met on social media.
A like minded soul out there promoting a book.
I will not mention any names as I have stated before  this blog is about me and my book progression.
so I am going to post the review but before I do here is the links to purchase this book

My fine friends at Tate publishing

Here is the link to my website its pretty cool , got some nice pics on video in the gallery page 
and the landing page is info about the book. and there is a contact me page with email addresses and such. so, please check that out.

The village of Jodicus website

Now drum roll please here is my first official review :)

A Compact Novel with Impact! 

By reader choice, I acquired the paperback version of this novel (78 pages). Taking place from 33 – 100 AD, spiritual and religious undertones pervade throughout a story laced with brutal combat befitting the historical era.

From the very first page, the author’s voice and writing style convincingly transport you to ancient times in the manner of a sage narrating events to a captive audience seated before him by a crackling fire inside a mountain cave. His story is propelled by Marksivna, a hero who tries to unravel his past, while fighting to preserve the new utopian village of Jodicus.

Though compact, this novel does not fall short of reader expectation. J.R. Sweeney provides vivid descriptions, backstories, witty dialogue, conflicts, and blood spills on the meadow. It is apparent the author incorporated his knowledge of historical background and his familiarity with the Bible in this well-written novel.

Reading 'The Village of Jodicus' in one sitting justifies qualifying this book a page-turner. 

Not take reviews to heart I said when a very talented published author whom I admire for her unique style and flow. writes this about my humble work. Damnit I  am a grown man and this man cried.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Hi, I am here for you, if you need me for anything. In this post we will cover how to contact J.R. Sweeney I am very approachable and want to help.

Hi everyone below is where you can find me most any day.

here is my

here is the link to buy my book

here is my website

good old facebook

most awesome twitter

Google plus is very awesome

good reads

youtube here you can view the trailer to my book

Ok guys that' s enough links for you and just so you know . I love and respect all of you


here have a picture on me....see ya

what the heck here is another one

Monday, August 1, 2016

This is a thank you post for all my peeps on twitter, facebook, Gplus


Hi everyone just wanted to keep you informed with my goings on and most of all to thank you kind folks for your support and encouragement.
My book progression has been a blast and I owe it all to you. You have bought my book, you have liked and shared and tweeted about my story.
My first book that I worked very hard at writing. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed writing it but best believe I was my own worst critic.
I may have told you this before but I wrote the whole book and then selected all and deleted it...What?
So haunting was this tale I woke early one morning and started writing it again and for the better.
Oh well anyways this fine book is now available for pre-sale on amazon and Barnes and noble set for august 30 2016
or you can get the e book or paperback publisher direct right now from my very good friends at Tate publishing, who by the way Have taken very good care of this virgin author.
To them I am very grateful as well. I will leave you with some links and the trailer to "The Village of Jodicus" by JR Sweeney, one very grateful and thankful man.