Saturday, December 31, 2016

Still waiting to hear from the publisher on my new book "FIVE SEASONS" in the meantime enjoy this post I love you.

a young girl who has a very sexual appearance or behaves in a very sexual way

Cambridge dictionary

gone lost lolita  this star would shine bright
tainted  lolita  her star  shone as night
never to play with things  that girls play
push push lolita all night and all day
 egos and money  use her up fast
they already know lolita won't last

Have you read the Village of Jodicus by JR Sweeney yet ?
You really should! Do yourself a favor and get it now, here are the links to purchase this fast paced adventure.

Friday, December 2, 2016

I have a new book in production and its called " Five Seasons " While it is being produced here is so info about me

                                                            Little League drama

I can't be the only one cringing. My grandson's under nine baseball team is down by 2 with 2 outs in the bottom of the last inning. 

And up walks Noah.

I am sorry to be so cruel but this kid aint got a hit all year. I swear he thinks he is supposed to strike out.

My grandson Nathan the natural just walked and stole 2nd and 3rd and now waits to be knocked in by Noah arrrghh

Part of me feels bad for the kid as the bat rest on his shoulder and two strikes go by him.

Wow, he's just standing there as two balls go by now its 2 and 2 .

I cant take this,  maybe he will walk as another high pitch goes by ball 3.

 3 and 2 the season rest on this pitch and Noah sigh.

I think to myself wtf cant Noah's mom and dad work with him a little throw him some pitches at home damn this game is over and  I am disgusted. 


What is that noise? the sound of the aluminum bat hitting the ball that ting noise that the bat makes.  wtf is going on?  the ball is rolling into right field and lil Nathan just scored from third and there goes Noah running to second for a double! What?  that kid who must have struck out 30 damn times this year and his bat never touched a ball all season.

What magic is this?  as our clutch hitter Matao steps up to the plate with Noah on second and rips a shot to the gap in the outfield Noah scores from second Matao scores on a home run and our team wins!

 What it's over?  as I look at Noah and his parents hugging and beaming with such pride and the kid that never got a hit knocks an rbi double and scores the tying run and saves the game.  wow 

I feel the fool as I gave up on this kid Noah only 8 yrs old and he showed me that he can do anything he damn well wants.

Have you read the Village of Jodicus by JR Sweeney yet ?
You really should! Do yourself a favor and get it now, here are the links to purchase this fast paced adventure.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

I have a new book in production and its called " Five Seasons " While it is being produced here is so info about me

This is one of my favorite artist William Bouguereau. I am always amazed by how real his portraits are  I bought a piece of his work about 30 years ago it reminded me of my daughter ..well enjoy a few samples of this fine artist. born 1825    passed away 1905

and here is my favorite little Ophelia
what is she thinking about?

Have you read the Village of Jodicus by JR Sweeney yet ?
You really should! Do yourself a favor and get it now, here are the links to purchase this fast paced adventure.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Hi, I submitted a new manuscript today ...Hope they like it as much as I do,,,,Oh well I'll keep you posted...In the meantime take a look at a real life Halloween tale!


Dad's mom was always in Fairfield Hill Hospital For the Insane when I was growing up but my family was very secretive about it & told us she had a tumor in her head which she needed a drain in so she had to be there. I only found out about 10yrs ago tho I'd known she'd been put at some point in MiddleTown Hospital of the Criminally Insane but never knew why there, until about 10 yrs ago.

 a young man called & said his father was my father's brother & he was doing genealogy on his family & found my father so he'd called him. My Dad didn't believe it was anything but a scam.

( But the siblings of this man each the age of one of my fathers children including me kept in touch.) 

 They asked for pic's of my Dad's mother though he never called her that himself. I later found out she was in Middletown hospital For Criminally Insane because she had Schizophrenia & had been charged with attempted manslaughter .

If you google Fairfield Hills there are lots of stories about it & it was used in movies etc. 

She came from a wealthy family in south western CT we were close to her brother & sister & no-one else has it in the family but even thinking of where she was at that time-we all know how insane asylums were then it must have been a nightmare. 

She was in Middletown For Criminally Insane because she had Schizophrenia & had been charged with attempted manslaughter for trying to cook (brace yourself) my father when he was 2yrs old. My Great-grandmother walked into their home to find my father in a big Pot with Potatoes Carrots & Onions etc. She was making stew out of him. My great-grandmother called the police after taking my father out of the pot. She was arrested that day in 1930 & spent her entire life in mental hospitals except one time she escaped & ran to Canada married this man who was my fathers brother & had the kids doing the genealogy-had children with him then ran away to be arrested when reentering the US & put in MiddleTown for attempted Murder. Here I am not old but not young & I just found out recently about the Murder part. My father being in a pot of hot water cooked. Thankfully he was not burned but always had anger towards his mother. We never knew why. 


PSSST Hey you would you like an exciting and fun read?

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Two new and interesting pages

Greetings, I have two FB pages I wanted to share

The first is showcasing my favorite authors

just click here

The next is blogs and websites by my favorite authors

just click here

These pages are growing the more books I read and the more  folks I meet.
thanks everyone

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

I was attacked by a bear and I survived but it changed my life ..get the whole story here

What an ordeal I tried to stay calm and keep my wits about me. I felt like Leo Dicaprio in The Revenant
I was helpless and surprised

Hi , welcome glad you joined me. No promoting anything today just friendship.
I really was not attacked by a bear,  well sort of I guess. I was attacked by Max Bear.
Only Max Bear attacked me with love and kindness and sent me his two books in the mail to give to my grandson.
I met Max on face book . We are two authors just doing our thing out there. and I don't know how Max feels but I really like me some Max bear. We have a lot in common. we both hate bullies , we both love Coffee. we both like to read and write and we sell a book or two.
Max bear is one of the benefits of social media . He offered me the chance to meet someone very special. 
so, without further Ado here he is my friend Maxi

Thanks Max Bear huggzzz to you and give your human a big hug for me too.

I was attacked by a bear and I survived but it changed my life ..get the whole story here

What an ordeal I tried to stay calm and keep my wits about me. I felt like Leo Dicaprio in The Revenant
I was helpless and surprised

Hi , welcome glad you joined me. No promoting anything today just friendship.
I really was not attacked by a bear,  well sort of I guess. I was attacked by Max Bear.
Only Max Bear attacked me with love and kindness and sent me his two books in the mail to give to my grandson.
I met Max on face book . We are two authors just doing our thing out there. and I don't know how Max feels but I really like me some Max bear. We have a lot in common. we both hate bullies , we both love Coffee. we both like to read and write and we sell a book or two.
Max bear is one of the benefits of social media . He offered me the chance to meet someone very special. 
so, without further Ado here he is my friend Maxi

Thanks Max Bear huggzzz to you and give your human a big hug for me too.

Friday, September 2, 2016

I love it when a plan comes together.

                  Hello I wanted to share this with you
The following links will direct you to where you can purchase/
                            The Village of Jodicus


Barnes and Noble

publisher direct from Tate publishing

                                  Here is the official Book Trailer

Thank you for your time and warm blessings to you and yours.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Ahhh the final part of the book progression, the review

Well this last process I had kind of shunned.
Reviews good or bad I was not going to take them to heart.
In my mind the book had to be written.
I didn't say it had to be read, although I was hoping it would be.
So, guess what I got my first official review.
The review was from someone I met on social media.
A like minded soul out there promoting a book.
I will not mention any names as I have stated before  this blog is about me and my book progression.
so I am going to post the review but before I do here is the links to purchase this book

My fine friends at Tate publishing

Here is the link to my website its pretty cool , got some nice pics on video in the gallery page 
and the landing page is info about the book. and there is a contact me page with email addresses and such. so, please check that out.

The village of Jodicus website

Now drum roll please here is my first official review :)

A Compact Novel with Impact! 

By reader choice, I acquired the paperback version of this novel (78 pages). Taking place from 33 – 100 AD, spiritual and religious undertones pervade throughout a story laced with brutal combat befitting the historical era.

From the very first page, the author’s voice and writing style convincingly transport you to ancient times in the manner of a sage narrating events to a captive audience seated before him by a crackling fire inside a mountain cave. His story is propelled by Marksivna, a hero who tries to unravel his past, while fighting to preserve the new utopian village of Jodicus.

Though compact, this novel does not fall short of reader expectation. J.R. Sweeney provides vivid descriptions, backstories, witty dialogue, conflicts, and blood spills on the meadow. It is apparent the author incorporated his knowledge of historical background and his familiarity with the Bible in this well-written novel.

Reading 'The Village of Jodicus' in one sitting justifies qualifying this book a page-turner. 

Not take reviews to heart I said when a very talented published author whom I admire for her unique style and flow. writes this about my humble work. Damnit I  am a grown man and this man cried.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Hi, I am here for you, if you need me for anything. In this post we will cover how to contact J.R. Sweeney I am very approachable and want to help.

Hi everyone below is where you can find me most any day.

here is my

here is the link to buy my book

here is my website

good old facebook

most awesome twitter

Google plus is very awesome

good reads

youtube here you can view the trailer to my book

Ok guys that' s enough links for you and just so you know . I love and respect all of you


here have a picture on me....see ya

what the heck here is another one

Monday, August 1, 2016

This is a thank you post for all my peeps on twitter, facebook, Gplus


Hi everyone just wanted to keep you informed with my goings on and most of all to thank you kind folks for your support and encouragement.
My book progression has been a blast and I owe it all to you. You have bought my book, you have liked and shared and tweeted about my story.
My first book that I worked very hard at writing. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed writing it but best believe I was my own worst critic.
I may have told you this before but I wrote the whole book and then selected all and deleted it...What?
So haunting was this tale I woke early one morning and started writing it again and for the better.
Oh well anyways this fine book is now available for pre-sale on amazon and Barnes and noble set for august 30 2016
or you can get the e book or paperback publisher direct right now from my very good friends at Tate publishing, who by the way Have taken very good care of this virgin author.
To them I am very grateful as well. I will leave you with some links and the trailer to "The Village of Jodicus" by JR Sweeney, one very grateful and thankful man.  




Friday, July 22, 2016

A most humble thanks to all for your purchase I have no doubt that you will enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it......Slainte

In Heaven, 
Some little blades of grass 
Stood before God. 
“What did you do?” 
Then all save one of the little blades 
Began eagerly to relate 
The merits of their lives. 
This one stayed a small way behind 
Presently God said: 
“And what did you do?” 
The little blade answered: “Oh, my lord, 
“Memory is bitter to me 
“For if I did good deeds 
“I know not of them.” 
Then God in all His splendor 
Arose from His throne. 
“Oh, best little blade of grass,” He said.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Greetings kind people, the trailer to The village of Jodicus is out!, view it here.

         Well here it is my good friends please take a look .

              Here is the the link to buy the paperback or e-book

                       Here is a link to my website fine pics and music just click here

                                               Photo courtesy of Leona Limont g+ she rocks

Thank you all so much and good health to you and yours

Saturday, July 2, 2016

 T'was a perfect group, all two hundred and fifty had received the vision and understood what this village would be. Love for the invited and death and misery for all intruders. 

I highly recommend the paperback of this

Friday, July 1, 2016

A fly has two compound eyes and each eye is made up between 3,000 and 6,000 simple eyes. I believe this is what would be needed to see all the fine Indie authors out here on the web.

I thought I was an awesome unique author but have had a rude awakening. The web is full off awesome and unique authors.  I have been humbled perhaps waiting for my publisher has been a blessing.  It has given me the chance to read and meet so many fine writers and people out on the web.  I feel I have what it takes to make it out here. I am finding it is the story and the characters that matters and I know my book has the goods. Either way I am having a blast chatting,  learning and growing as an author.  I will mention no names of my fellow authors on this blog.  This blog is all about me. J. R. Sweeney just a guy from new England,  trying to make it in a world full of rich writing.  The blogs I follow have been a real wake up call for me.  I never imagined that so super talented writers existed! Until now my reading has been of only one book the Bible.  In my younger years I read a lot of Hemingway and I really liked H P. Lovecraft I recently bought a kindle and dedicated it only indie authors. I have been reborn I am so impressed by the new generation of Salinger's and Bradbury's and Hemingway's, that fill my kindle. Kudos to the indie and self -published authors of the web and the world.       Now for a couple pics from  borntobleed881 on G+ speaking of unique and talented.
also here is a link to my website if want to now more about my book and its unique storyline and characters.
                                                  check out my website click right here :)
                                                          Peace y'all

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Time to share my cover with you fine folks...Feast your eyes and get the paperback publisher direct

 T'was a perfect group, all two hundred and fifty had received the vision and understood what this village would be. Love for the invited and death and misery for all intruders. 

I highly recommend the paperback of this

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

I recieved my hard copy proof in the mail, reviewed it and loved it here is the history behind this book

Greetings I hope this post finds you well.  I WROTE THIS BOOK IN HONOR IN REMEMBERANCE OF MY BROTHERS 
Mark Sweeney and Kevin Garvey  my two best fishing partners here is the dedication

Mark Sweeney and Kevin Garvey
May you find eternal rest on the happy isle

fishermen's prayer

God grant that I may live to fish,
Until my dying day,
And when it comes to my last cast,
I then most humbly pray,
When in the Lord’s safe landing net,
I’m peacefully asleep,
That in his mercy I be judged,
As big enough to keep

English translation

The Happy Island

Sing this song to the Happy Island,
The green isle with the whitest beach;
Storms sometimes attack it severely,
But I love to live there.
Where does gentle summer arrive earlier
Where does blossom appear on trees earlier
Where does the thrush sing more beautifully
On the young branches? In the Happy Island.
The most valuable fish close to shore
Prefers to live near your boundaries;
Active lads with handlines and nets
Fish very early around the Happy Island.
Come with me to the beach
On a calm evening at high tide,
And you will see the beauty and many species
Of birds that live in the Happy Island.
And although I go to visit yonder country-side,
Sometimes thinking that I may stay there,
A mysterious attraction with heat that will not cool
Draws me relentlessly to the Happy Island.
Oh, the time is short till the day ends;
Night will come and I will seek rest;
My eternal slumber will be so tranquil
If my pillow is in the Happy Island.

#celticorigins   TWITTER

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Hi everyone my publisher called to verify my address, I believe they are sending me a proof to review. (hope so)

Hi, Going to use a bigger font today (exciting stuff right).
Not much happening here, just waiting for my proof to arrive. I will sign off on it and hopefully soon I will be providing some links for the masses to purchase my book. It has been almost 2 years since I started the story. I wrote it then I opened up wordpad selected all and deleted it what?, Then for 6 months this story haunted me IT HAD TO BE SHARED. So I wrote it again on wordpad. As you know wordpad has no editing tools so I put each chapter into my email and spellchecked it that way.(what a pain in the you now where). Sigh....I gave it to my dad and my bro and my daughter to read they loved it. (nothing like an unbiased opinion right :)). Now for the true test I gave it to my ex-wife to read she hates me by the way, anyhow she loved it! what? and she is an avid reader. I submitted the book to two publishers and both accepted it.
I chose the publisher my gut told me to choose and have not looked back since, ok that's enough rambling for now. All I can say is the story is great the characters are colorful and interesting and above all is the message,  oh the message that's the real beauty of this book.
here is a link to my website I love you people and respect you.

Aleks V G+ and sweet sweet Eva williams on the mic folks

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Feeling blessed and glad to be alive! lessons learned and moving forward.Thanks to some helpful folks out on twitter and facebook and G+. uh goodreads not so much

I have been blessed to find some helpful souls in my journey to become an author. I owe it all to some great folks that I have met on twitter and facebook and G+. They have offered me down loads of pdf's chock-full of great info for a new guy like me. Genuine are they and I thank them all. Truly good and loving people from all over the world. Goodreads on the other hand....blah not so much the whole site has a cold vibe and the book rating system is a laugh. Please tell me how Ernest Hemingway's "The old man and the sea" rates three and a half stars. While a first time author who writes a book on making money on the web rates five stars?. what? five stars where do they go from there? I found goodreads is ok as long as you keep your mouth shut and don't post anything or you are going to get a rebuttal from five hundred "know it all" blowhards.

Here is some good lessons I have learned on the kinder, gentler facebook, G+ and twitter from people that are genuine and truly want me to succeed.

1. Stop tweeting and posting so much, no one wants their feed full of tweets and post from me every 5 minutes.
2. Post your book with links maybe 3 to 5 times a day at different times.
3. Develop a good niche on something you are passionate about when posting or tweeting.
4. Share things and retweet things that are encouraging just as your friends and followers share your things.
5 Be kind and respectful just as your friends and followers are kind and respectful to you.

A kind thank you to all from everywhere in the world.  Arabia, Turkey, France,  India to Ireland and, the UK to the good old USA. I love you

OK here is my newly updated website with tunes and pics and info about my book "The village of Jodicus"

Thanks to all for your awesome support I'll leave you with a pic and a vid.

 Silencieuse Aurore g+


norma bates g+


Friday, May 20, 2016

Big mistakes made , wow, I am my own worst enemy

I screwed up this week bigtime. As you know I am waiting on my book to get finished. It is in the hands of the publisher and they are working on the interior layout (I hope). All was going well until I ran into one of my old weed dealers.  I have recently quit weed about a year and a half ago. After smoking for forty years I felt that was enough and I have been feeling fantastic. Why I bought that forty dollar bag from him I am not sure,  I felt obliged or something, . I won't bore you with the details but what a shitty,  unproductive week no wonder I live in my basement like a hermit. Anyone who say's that weed makes them perform better is full of shit. I could not even open Word on my  pc  never mind stringing two lousy words together. I have been in a lazy sleeping , munching weed induced fog for five days I am finally starting to feel better. Never Again I am promising myself, I am too old for that shit and I have too much to live for.
Oh well back to the drawing board, I can't beat myself up too much. I still have two good stories on Word. I am finally sober enough to continue. Praise the lord.
Here is the link to my website and a really nice pick from my girl Leona Limont out on G+.

Friday, May 6, 2016

More good news , life is good I got my final edit back from the publisher. It took 2 months and that was a blessing in disguise find out why...

I have been busy with the final edit of "The Village Of Jodicus"
The editor had some great suggestions and I agreed with most.
The best thing I could have done was let the story rest for a couple months, Like a fine wine.
I forgot what a terrific story I had. The first thing I did was print it out and had a couple of my people read it. I wanted them to be critical and look for any weaknesses and they found some and I read it and I found a few minor flaws as well.
Here is what the people I shared this book with have said.
"I did not want it to end"
"I want to read it again"
Me: beaming with pride right now!

It is historical fiction and some things did not fit the timeline, SO I FIXED IT NO PROBLEM! :)
My goal is to make the reader go back and feel he or she is thrown into a place that we cannot even conceive in this time. A dark time and also a simpler time. A cut and dry time where either you are going to survive or you are going to suffer. Two choices, the way of good or the way of evil.  A time that meant just because you are a blood thirsty warrior does not make you bad man,  just a little misunderstood. I mean there is evil and then there is real evil and in this story you better pick a side and take a stand or surely a soul will parish and a life will be cut short in these dark times.

Oh well I'll keep you posted please check back often. The publisher has moved on to the interior lay-out now the edit is done.  I sent it back approved and there is no turning back now.
I have also been working on some other powerful tales, more historic fiction and I promise no series or trilogies these are stories that leave the reader satisfied and not feeling like they are missing out by not getting book two or three or four. just the good read of a classic and in a  unique style.

Here,  have a picture of some lucky stones!

 and have a nice day!

Friday, April 29, 2016

Author photos, wow, what a week! I got a notice from the publisher that I needed a photo for the back cover...comedy insued.

publisher:  you never submitted your author photo
me:   oh , I did not know I had to,  I'll send one
publisher:   the dpi and size are wrong
me   ok I'll rescan and resend
publisher : the print quality is not good enough.
me:  ok I'll take a brand new pic and send it in the proper dpi and size.
publisher : the print quality is not good enough
me : don't penalize me because I'm ugly
publisher: you may want to consider a professional photographer

   these are the emails I have sent,  one a day now to the publisher

me:  4-26   10:00 am
Hello, I am off to the photographer!
he is going to send you the shot via email
please let me know when received and if it is acceptable.
take care

publisher 4-26 no response

me:  4-27    10:00 am
Good Morning, did you guys get my new photo?
is it ok?
will you let me know?
how's the weather out there?
take it easy

publisher 4-27  no response

4-28 10:00 am
Hello, how's it going?
could you let me know if you received my head shot photo?
maybe it's in your spam
I know you folks must be super busy
you responded so quickly when the photo was wrong.
I was hoping for the same quick response now that it was done professionally and formatted properly.
waiting to hear from you

publisher 4-28 no response

Oh well,  maybe today I'll get a response,  here is the head shot photo. Have a great weekend everyone!
I'll be enjoying my ramen noodles because I spent all the grocery money on this photograph.
take care.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

One step closer!, I got my cover art! yay. Sorry I am not showing it until the book is ready :). You will have to wait just like me. Read on!

 I was given two choices for my cover art,  one was powerful and one was subtle.
I picked the powerful cover art.  It is a great representation of the book
which is by no means subtle.  Still waiting on the final edit though, it has been seven
weeks now. I am anxious to see what suggestions the publisher has for me. No rush because this story is timeless and has classic quality. It has also given me time to start another great story!
I will keep you folks posted and let you know the progress step by step.
Love and respect to all, your friend.

here are two photos courtesy of Thomas wood g+

           bac a chur ar an gcosán! -------- stay on the path!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

A fly has two compound eyes and each eye is made up between 3,000 and 6,000 simple eyes. This would be needed to help see all the fine indie books out here.

I thought I was an awesome unique author but have had a rude awakening. The web is full off awesome and unique authors.  I have been humbled perhaps waiting for my publisher has been a blessing.  It has given me the chance to read and meet so many fine writers and people out on the web.  I feel I have what it takes to make it out here. I am finding it is the story and the characters that matters and I know my book has the goods. Either way I am having a blast chatting,  learning and growing as an author.  I will mention no names of my fellow authors on this blog.  This blog is all about me. J. R. Sweeney just a guy from new England,  trying to make it in a world full of rich writing.  The blogs I follow have been a real wake up call for me.  I never imagined that so super talented writers existed! Until now my reading has been of only one book the Bible.  In my younger years I read a lot of Hemingway and I really liked H P. Lovecraft I recently bought a kindle and dedicated it only indie authors. I have been reborn I am so impressed by the new generation of Salinger's and Bradbury's and Hemingway's, that fill my kindle. Kudos to the indie and self -published authors of the web and the world.       Now for a couple pics from  borntobleed881 on G+ speaking of unique and talented.
also here is a link to my website if want to now more about my book and its unique storyline and characters.
                                                          Peace y'all

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

JRSWEENEY57@GMAIL.COM Greetings and salute found a mentor out on twitter. She gave me a list of things to do to try to break into the author field here they are..

Make a list of at least 25 influential authors

Make a list of at least 10 influential publishers

 Make a list of at least 25 blogs and bloggers

Subscribe to these websites and get email updates

Follow these accounts to get updates on Twitter.






set up a Facebook Fan Page    JR Sweeney

*Refer to the Facebook In-Depth for some EXPERT TIPS once your page is set up.

TWITTER    celticorigins

 Google+   Joe Sweeney




So I have been busy doing this I am trying to be niche-specific. I am so green at this writing game  I can use all the help I can get. have a good day everyone

Friday, April 8, 2016

Hello! just heard from the publisher they are starting the cover art for my book yay!!..Although I still have not recieved the final edit thats cool as long as things keep moving forward. I hope everyone has a blessed day

Thanks to all who have come to visit this blog

Here's a Little post I have been putting up on the social networks

another cool photo from Melody Nafisi photos G+   then I put my website link here

 A blood thirsty warrior is always good to have around, as long as he's on your side. See
ancient  ways and new ways collide. When a single vision brings unlikely souls together
as they fight to preserve  the young  utopian "village of Jodicus"  travel through gothic Europe
with a hero as he tries to unravel his past in this fast moving page turner.
SUMMER 2016 "Village of Jodicus" 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

seems like all the books out there are trilogies or series always leaving you hanging. wtf

What's wrong with a good book that has a resolution at the end?  I have downloaded a couple books on my kindle. I still feel my book (if it ever gets published  :) ) is a cut above.  Still nothing from the publisher yet, I am still waiting on the final edit. going on a  month now, it's cool  I am starting a another and it isn't a trilogy or a series just a really good story!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Just trying to keep busy while I wait to hear from the publisher. It's been 3 weeks now, I hope I hear something soon I believe we will work on the cover next!

Hello!, got my new kindle today  I like it
I'm going check out some fellow authors work.
also I am editing a new book I am writing.
I have read a few stories from the Authors out here.
they are good but man I think my book "The village of Jodicus"
is a cut above,  maybe I am just bias. My daughter ,Father and brother all like it as well.
nothing like an unbiased opinion :)

Saturday, March 12, 2016

here is a synopsis from a publisher about my book "The village of Jodicus"

 The author humanizes the centurion that stabbed Jesus while He was on the cross . The story is told through chapter headings with different characters' scenarios and the year that they occurred. The characters seem separate at first but it is proven that they are interwoven. This book  will  appeal to readers who enjoy creative fiction.

Friday, March 11, 2016

I am just learning how to blog, bare with me. this is from another story I have been working on.

                                                              This is how I die?
                                                                My eternal rest
                                                      Love's severed head at my side
                                                          Helpless baby at my breast

                                                             Bitterness and anger
                                                           Creator with  your might
                                                            Send a hero for this baby
                                                            Help her though the night