Sunday, April 17, 2016

A fly has two compound eyes and each eye is made up between 3,000 and 6,000 simple eyes. This would be needed to help see all the fine indie books out here.

I thought I was an awesome unique author but have had a rude awakening. The web is full off awesome and unique authors.  I have been humbled perhaps waiting for my publisher has been a blessing.  It has given me the chance to read and meet so many fine writers and people out on the web.  I feel I have what it takes to make it out here. I am finding it is the story and the characters that matters and I know my book has the goods. Either way I am having a blast chatting,  learning and growing as an author.  I will mention no names of my fellow authors on this blog.  This blog is all about me. J. R. Sweeney just a guy from new England,  trying to make it in a world full of rich writing.  The blogs I follow have been a real wake up call for me.  I never imagined that so super talented writers existed! Until now my reading has been of only one book the Bible.  In my younger years I read a lot of Hemingway and I really liked H P. Lovecraft I recently bought a kindle and dedicated it only indie authors. I have been reborn I am so impressed by the new generation of Salinger's and Bradbury's and Hemingway's, that fill my kindle. Kudos to the indie and self -published authors of the web and the world.       Now for a couple pics from  borntobleed881 on G+ speaking of unique and talented.
also here is a link to my website if want to now more about my book and its unique storyline and characters.
                                                          Peace y'all

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