Thursday, June 23, 2016

Time to share my cover with you fine folks...Feast your eyes and get the paperback publisher direct

 T'was a perfect group, all two hundred and fifty had received the vision and understood what this village would be. Love for the invited and death and misery for all intruders. 

I highly recommend the paperback of this

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

I recieved my hard copy proof in the mail, reviewed it and loved it here is the history behind this book

Greetings I hope this post finds you well.  I WROTE THIS BOOK IN HONOR IN REMEMBERANCE OF MY BROTHERS 
Mark Sweeney and Kevin Garvey  my two best fishing partners here is the dedication

Mark Sweeney and Kevin Garvey
May you find eternal rest on the happy isle

fishermen's prayer

God grant that I may live to fish,
Until my dying day,
And when it comes to my last cast,
I then most humbly pray,
When in the Lord’s safe landing net,
I’m peacefully asleep,
That in his mercy I be judged,
As big enough to keep

English translation

The Happy Island

Sing this song to the Happy Island,
The green isle with the whitest beach;
Storms sometimes attack it severely,
But I love to live there.
Where does gentle summer arrive earlier
Where does blossom appear on trees earlier
Where does the thrush sing more beautifully
On the young branches? In the Happy Island.
The most valuable fish close to shore
Prefers to live near your boundaries;
Active lads with handlines and nets
Fish very early around the Happy Island.
Come with me to the beach
On a calm evening at high tide,
And you will see the beauty and many species
Of birds that live in the Happy Island.
And although I go to visit yonder country-side,
Sometimes thinking that I may stay there,
A mysterious attraction with heat that will not cool
Draws me relentlessly to the Happy Island.
Oh, the time is short till the day ends;
Night will come and I will seek rest;
My eternal slumber will be so tranquil
If my pillow is in the Happy Island.

#celticorigins   TWITTER

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Hi everyone my publisher called to verify my address, I believe they are sending me a proof to review. (hope so)

Hi, Going to use a bigger font today (exciting stuff right).
Not much happening here, just waiting for my proof to arrive. I will sign off on it and hopefully soon I will be providing some links for the masses to purchase my book. It has been almost 2 years since I started the story. I wrote it then I opened up wordpad selected all and deleted it what?, Then for 6 months this story haunted me IT HAD TO BE SHARED. So I wrote it again on wordpad. As you know wordpad has no editing tools so I put each chapter into my email and spellchecked it that way.(what a pain in the you now where). Sigh....I gave it to my dad and my bro and my daughter to read they loved it. (nothing like an unbiased opinion right :)). Now for the true test I gave it to my ex-wife to read she hates me by the way, anyhow she loved it! what? and she is an avid reader. I submitted the book to two publishers and both accepted it.
I chose the publisher my gut told me to choose and have not looked back since, ok that's enough rambling for now. All I can say is the story is great the characters are colorful and interesting and above all is the message,  oh the message that's the real beauty of this book.
here is a link to my website I love you people and respect you.

Aleks V G+ and sweet sweet Eva williams on the mic folks

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Feeling blessed and glad to be alive! lessons learned and moving forward.Thanks to some helpful folks out on twitter and facebook and G+. uh goodreads not so much

I have been blessed to find some helpful souls in my journey to become an author. I owe it all to some great folks that I have met on twitter and facebook and G+. They have offered me down loads of pdf's chock-full of great info for a new guy like me. Genuine are they and I thank them all. Truly good and loving people from all over the world. Goodreads on the other hand....blah not so much the whole site has a cold vibe and the book rating system is a laugh. Please tell me how Ernest Hemingway's "The old man and the sea" rates three and a half stars. While a first time author who writes a book on making money on the web rates five stars?. what? five stars where do they go from there? I found goodreads is ok as long as you keep your mouth shut and don't post anything or you are going to get a rebuttal from five hundred "know it all" blowhards.

Here is some good lessons I have learned on the kinder, gentler facebook, G+ and twitter from people that are genuine and truly want me to succeed.

1. Stop tweeting and posting so much, no one wants their feed full of tweets and post from me every 5 minutes.
2. Post your book with links maybe 3 to 5 times a day at different times.
3. Develop a good niche on something you are passionate about when posting or tweeting.
4. Share things and retweet things that are encouraging just as your friends and followers share your things.
5 Be kind and respectful just as your friends and followers are kind and respectful to you.

A kind thank you to all from everywhere in the world.  Arabia, Turkey, France,  India to Ireland and, the UK to the good old USA. I love you

OK here is my newly updated website with tunes and pics and info about my book "The village of Jodicus"

Thanks to all for your awesome support I'll leave you with a pic and a vid.

 Silencieuse Aurore g+


norma bates g+